Sunday, December 27, 2009


I have to say, that one of the many things that I enjoy about Christmas are the decorations. Personally, I tend to keep to more of a "traditional New England" style (whatever that is)... but it doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the "other styles" that people do. I really didn't do a lot in the decorating side of things this year, most of our "things" are still packed away, and I am anxiously waiting to decorate "my" house, but still.. we had our beautiful tree and a few little "goodies" around the house.

Last fall, at Halloween time, I took some shots of a little house that had some awesome decorations.. I think they had several "scarecrows" and some "ghosts" coming out of their windows and the like.. and they do no less for Christmas. Here we have Santa and Rudolph up on the house top....

While the rest of the "team and sleigh" wait down in the yard. The pictures really don't do it justice~~~ it is quite the display!!!

And then, there are the folks that go "all out!!" Again not my style, but you have to appreciate all the time and effort (and clean up!!) that goes into all of this!! and I certainly enjoy it... it's great fun to bundle up in the truck and drive about and see what "things" people come up!! Can't wait until Abbie is old enough to travel with us and see all the sights!!!

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