Wednesday, June 23, 2010

last load of hay....

It would seem that "hay season" came at the "worst time" for us this year. With everything that is going on, it all comes to a screeching halt when Father calls and says the hay is ready. I have to admit, when I'm right in the middle of something that must be put down, it's a pain.. but once I get on the field, I will say... it's a whole different world and I am happy to be a part of it. This year, we brought in 415 bales, the smallest load we have bought since being here. But, I am still in very good shape from last year, and have decided that I just didn't need as much hay this year.

We are very fortunate, because Father has such a good group of guys that help him hay every year. They are his sons, and then some of the firefighters. What makes it so nice for us, is they are all more than willing to come and help us bring it into the barn. I hope they all know just how much I appreciate their help.. after a long day of haying, to then come and bring it in... well, I am just so appreciative. I need to come up with a "thank you" and am thinking a cookout here at the farm (once we are settled) might be a nice way.

"Miss Fox" (we think she's a she - but don't know that for sure)... showed up again. She really isn't one bit afraid, and runs after the tractors, grabbing up mice. She looks pretty healthy and certainly knows where that "easy meal" can be found.

couple of the "young guys" riding the drag and grabbing up the bales. It's so great to see that there is another generation that is interested in this "business"....

All loaded up.. taking a little break before heading for home. This is the last of this year's load, and what a great feeling knowing it's all tuck in and ready for next winter.

And as always, the "famous" last bale... seems like these days, and I am always looking for that "last one".....

1 comment:

Alex said...

a full hay loft, one of life's many blessings!