Friday, July 02, 2010

6/24/10 - got chicks?

Yup... we do. Even though it's been "more than crazy" around here. I am taking those moments to enjoy some of the reasons why we have made this move in our lives. And today's enjoyment, our arrival of chicks. I ordered six Araucana chickens, mainly because they are the ones that lay the colored eggs - a light blue to greenish tinted eggs. I just thought they would be kind of neat to have around the farm.

I really didn't know much about the "breed", but have found out that they really are good for free ranging, which despite the pit falls of that, we allow our birds to do. They also come in a variety of different colors themselves, and tend to be quite independent. They certainly are cute as chicks, and we know this stage won't last that long.

Now, if you can count this pile, I told you that I ordered six chicks, and there certainly is more than that here. Well... turns out there were some guinea keets that "needed a home as well", and I just couldn't resist. I have no idea what it "is" about the guinea hens, except that I am in love with them. Since we lost Mrs. G and now only have Mr. G and "Little G" (two cockerels) I am yet again trying my luck with getting a hen or two. Course we won't know for a while "what we got"... (my luck it will probably be more cockerels).. but here they are. And anyone that knows my Ed... knows just have excited he is to have more guinea hens on the farm (NOT).....

On news of the house... the wood floors are now all in place, the vinyl is down in both the upstairs bathrooms... and carpet is on the way. We probably won't make our move in date of July 4th, but all in all, we aren't too far off track. So, just plugging along in that department....

We did however, need to get the cable, computer and phone moved around. After leaving the big camp, we decided it was just easier to get the service up and running at the farm house. This is what our "computer room" looks like for the moment... in the basement of the house. But, it works!!!!! Eventually it will all be moved to the "office" (when we get that room done)... but I am happy just to be on line and blogging when I can find a minute to do it.

It's a mess at the moment, but everything here has a place in the house. Just need to get those places made.....


Jules said...

awe, cute chicks! :o) I've had a taste of farming myself, this week, and I'm in love! There's just something about the simple things in life and hard work that is so rewarding. Even if the reward is justing watching the horses graze. :o)

Rick Barnaby said...

No matter the mess, it still looks good!
More Italian Chickens???

Alex said...

Yeah, I missed the chance while our chicks were small, they get ugly quick!

MEME said...


phaedra96 said...

Move-in is just around the corner....soon! I loved having guineas, they are sooo silly and noisy but NOTHING gets past them. Ever.