Tuesday, July 24, 2012

workin' hard...

Last Saturday, it was such a pretty summer night, we decided to pack up Abbie, Sadie, and puppies, and get out there and do some "public access work". I have been wanting to check out OOB, for sometime, and it seemed like the perfect night to do. OOB was filled with summer activities, people, the boardwalk, food... there was much to do and see, for sure.

 Bogey and Moxie got to practice some "unders" while we got supper. We sat outside and watched the crowds go by.
Then we moved over to the amusement park. I knew Abbie would have a great time on the rides, and for the puppies, talk about a working environment.... they got to see it all.
They both did extremely well, and I have already decided that before the season is over, we'll go back there again.
Abbie had a super time on the rides. And one thing that we particularly liked was.. the tickets weren't that expensive, and there is a whole section of the park that is just for the little ones.
And all kinds of different rides to choose from. She likes a couple of them so well, that she took a few rides... one being this mermaid ride. It was very busy and a little crowded, and you had to "pay attention" but over all I would call it a family friendly place.
Bogey was a good as he could be. He seemed to enjoy watching Abbie as she took her rides. He walked along nicely and certainly enjoyed all the attention that he and Moxie drew in.
(love how Abbie picked the pink tea cup -- it matched her sweatshirt)
A bonus to the evening was when we came across a family, who (seeing the dogs) said they were waiting for a dog for their son. As it tuned out, they are waiting for a NEADS dog, so they were very excited when they found out both Bogey and Moxie were puppies in training... they had all kinds of questions about the "side of puppy raising" and we enjoyed hearing about "what it's like to be on the waiting list". The young man who is waiting for his dog certainly loved seeing the puppies, it was about all we could do to pull them away.

The summer is just speeding by... and it's hard to cram in all the fun that it offers... but one thing for sure.. we're "workin' hard" at it!!!

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