Sunday, August 23, 2015

34 and counting....

Yesterday we dealt with this!!! A monsoon!!! It seems we have had a number of these down pouring storms... they come rolling threw and it a matter of moments....
 Everything is under water. This isn't a good rain, because the earth doesn't have a chance to take it all in, and it beats the plants and such into the ground....
Our pasture usually drains quite well... but when it can't handle the water, it's a good idea of just how hard the rain has come.....
I was wondering what the pond is going to look like....
but didn't expect that I would see it fill like this.......
Today, however, has turned off beautiful, and I am glad, because it's our 34th wedding anniversary!!!!
And we were invited up to Dave and Deb's family camp to celebrate.... Kass, Nate and Reagan have been spending part of the week, so I was so happy to be invited as well....
It's a beautiful lake, with lots of little coves in it, and their camp is tucked away in one of the coves.....the water is clear and the bottom is a nice sand... it's much like our pond.. just quite a bit bigger....
Reagan had to show us that he can swim in this lake just the way he swims at our lake.....
and good little Charlie is always up for a swim......
Dave went to the trouble of reserving a boat... and we got to take a few rides in it... we don't have a boat, and I had forgotten just how much fun they can be. I'm thinking that I would like to save up some money and see if we can't find a nice small boat to keep at our camp.... but that's another story.....
It was a beautiful ride... the water had sparkles all over it, the sky a bright blue... it was a perfect summer day.....
I really enjoyed seeing all the other homes along the lake. Dave grew up here, so he knows this lake well... and could tell us about a number of the houses....this one in particular... used to belong to LL Bean... the gentleman who opened the famous LL Bean's that everyone knows about...
The family no longer owns it, but who ever does is taking good care of it. The house was in perfect order, as was the boat house....
Because this lake is so big, most of the homes have boats and houses for them... they use the boats much like cars going from one end of the lake to other.... 

and we did as well. After a great day on the lake, we got into the boat, and "drove" to town to have dinner at a very nice restaurant.  All the family pitched in and bought supper for Ed and I.... what a nice surprise especially when I thought just having the day together was "good enough"......
The ride back was a sunset cruise for sure... and I was sad that such a nice day had come to an end so quickly.... 

You can tell this little chap has had a busy day!!!! But we had to go.. animals were waiting at home, and we needed to get back....
And one last surprise waited..... I can't believe that 34 years have gone by so quick. All I can say is I am so blessed... we are so blessed... to have so many wonderful things in our lives.. to be happy together and blessed with such an amazing family....

God is good... and happy anniversary to my dear hubby!!!!!

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