So ... I have come to discover that yet, another saying is true.... "the things that you are stressing and worrying about today... probably won't seem that big a year or so from now"..... well... "a year ago"... my dear Ed and crew were "rushing" to get the last minute details done on Protection 2. With the big parade almost just hours away, they were all working hard.... and I was really wondering if they were even going to make the dead line...
They did..... and perhaps with hours to spare (though not many!!!) and Protection 2 was in the parade in all her new "finesse" and everything was well. Now, here we are.... a year later, and we're looking at rolling her out of storage because this year's parade is just days away......
What is it with these summer projects of ours anyways??? I asked Ed "what are we going to tackle next summer"... to which he replies... "relaxing"....
but some summer projects are just simply exciting (to me anyways...)
and soon, it's good bye to this walkway, if you can call it that... that leads up to the front door. Actually this has been a dreaming project for a few years... we were hoping to get it done before Sadie's wedding.... didn't happen. Then last year.... didn't happen...
and we were planning on doing it ourselves... we have done walkways before... but I got another idea, and with what I am hoping for... we decided that a bit of professional help might be the better route in this case....
A few weeks is going to make a HUGE difference here!!!!!
Besides... we are still working on the deck... and even though this project is going well... it's going long!!! way long!!!! Now that we have it figured out, the pace has picked up a bit, but there's a lot to it...
We put in a bit of time each weekend. But our biggest "block" if you will, is simply the weather. Some weekends we get in a day, and the next it's raining... OR... it's hot... way hot!!! and not just too hot in work in, but the materials themselves are to hot to handle....
so, we try to get onto it earlier in the morning, and then later in the day. It's coming... but not fast enough....
I can't wait to see railings, and parties from this view.... and yet, next summer, when those things are happening, I will look back at these photos and think... "was it all that much to fuss about??"
After a good long day last Sunday, this is where we ended... both of us hoping that we would completely finish the decking, but honestly... we were just too tired to even think... and it was beginning to get dark and buggy.... so....
enough for now, and we'll just have to get back to it next week....
I have to say, that when i got up Monday morning, and this was my view... it was nearly thrilling.... and this was the first time that I had ever opened these doors. I'm still not comfortable walking out there, and scared to death to have one of the dogs go out... but the deck is there...
and the professionals for the walkway... began moving in on Monday morning..... so this is really happening as well....
Materials began to arrive.....
heavy equipment showed up on the front lawn....
and on this one... Ed and I have the great pleasure of "sitting back" and watching it all unfold before our eyes....
summer projects.... yeah maybe "relaxing" next summer might be a good one to try!!!!
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