Wednesday, August 31, 2016

a few extra photos

The garden pond has been so much fun to watch over the summer. I have had 7 lily pad flowers bloom. I wished they would all bloom at once, but they seem to show up just one at time. Maybe that gives me more of them to enjoy

The fish have thrived this summer. Most of them were just 25 cent feeder fish, that I figured if they didn't make it, I wouldn't be so sad. But it looks like they not only survived, but grew. I'm going to have to think about what to do with them this winter..... I will probably just get a little tank to keep them in and then put them out next year. The only thing I don't like about them, is, they lay in wait for any poor little bee who comes for water and misses the landing spot. These guys eat those bees, and I hate to loose any bee....

We have two froggies in the pond as well. I think one is the bullfrog that we put in as a polliwog.. but it appears that he/she has a friend. I have to wonder how a "wild" frog would find this garden pond. When I look out over the front lawn and the drive way and think it had to hop that far, it's hard to imagine. But, it must have been worthwhile to come and live in our little pond. What I will do about them when the time comes, I'm not sure. There's not bottom in this pond where they can dig down for the winter... so I just don't know.

Now, here's an interesting story. One morning last week I went to do morning chores. The bucket for the little horses needed to be filled as it only had a small amount of water in the bottom of it... but... it also had.. this little barn swallow. There was a nest of babies just above the stall of the little horses, I could tell the babies would soon be flying.... well, I guess this little chap didn't fly very well and ended up in the bucket.

Lucky for him, the bucket wasn't full and he could keep his head above the water line. But he was soaked. I carefully got him out of the bucket and then looked for a spot where he could dry off and get his wits about him. He didn't seem hurt, so I figured if he could dry out, he would fly. I decided to put him on the big rock just outside the barn... and then I locked up Annabelle and Mona, so they wouldn't get him as an easy meal. In just a few moments you can see how much water came off him...

Because he was so little, he wasn't afraid of me, and just sat while I got these photos of him. I love my barn swallows... they eat a ton of bugs, and I like to hear them call. Some people don't like birds in their barns, but I am not bothered at all by them. After my photo shot, I went about my day and then checked back a few hours later, and he was gone. So, my hope is , he got his wings and will return next year and have a family of his own.....

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