Saturday, February 28, 2009

good manners...

When our girls were little (about ages 6 & 8) and began to have an interest in horses, I decided that it would be wise to find an instructor for them. I had "sort of" grown up around horses, never having one of my own, but certainly had friends who owned them - as well as my cousin. When I think of the way we "rode" I am amazed that no one was ever seriously hurt or killed!!! My favorite line was "I know enough about horses to be dangerous"... I didn't want that for the girls if they were really going to be serious about horses. In looking for a "trainer" I wanted someone who taught "horsemanship"... not the "pay your money, jump on a saddled horse, ride, and go home"... I wanted them to learn that a horse is a living being and not something you that ride around on and be done with. We were blessed to find Laura..who definitely is all about horses, and horsemanship. One day, as I was watching a lesson, I made a comment to Laura that I would love to learn properly and she said..."why aren't you??" and so I signed on with her and did just that.(15 years ago!!!) She also helped me find Silver (my very first horse!!!) and I can't even begin to list the things she has taught. I still "ride" with her, Tonka and I will begin our lessons again in just a couple of weeks!!!! (When my friend Betty made a comment to me that she would like to learn "horsemanship" I sent her right to Laura, and Betty has had a grand time learning about horses.)

Laura is "big" on rules!!! Both of the human and the equine, and has taught me well that "when you get lazy about horse rules... you probably will get hurt". So, every time I handle our guys or am around them, I pay attention, I work on not "being lazy".. and "demand" the same from our little equine herd.

Last Monday morning, while the horses were still "snowed" in and Ed was working on "digging them out". I decided to get the stalls done. I have always felt a good "mark of obedience in a horse" is be able to work around them while they are in a stall. We "practice" this a lot, especially with the drafts, I shouldn't imagine that you would want to get "squished" against the stall wall by 1800 lbs of horse. Our guys know "step back", "step over", "whoa", and "stand" quite well, but again, we don't get lazy about it. I took this photo of Duke with his half clean stall. I "parked" him on one side of the stall, got that part cleaned, them moved him over so I could do the other half. He is very good about this, as is Silver... Tonka still needs reminders, but you can work easily around him as well. It's just so handy to do this and not have to cross tie them in the alley way or kick them outside... which we also do!!!!

Those of us who have horses, or even animals in our lives, can see these good manners applied among them as well. I marvel at the respect that they have for each other.. Silver is definitely the head horse, Tonka next and then Duke. The slightest "pinning of ears", "hard eye", or "bite" can easily move the "lower horse" out of the way. Sometimes you get the kick or the squeal, but seldom, because they mostly respect each other, or respond to the slight warning. I feel that if they do that for each other, then they can certainly do that for me. I just need to make it known that it's what I want, and I will only "go to heels" if I need to.

It's a wonderful thing to have a good relationship with another creature. I wish that more children could learn this thing, and I always feel so sad for kids that don't have any pets in their lives. I love having families attend dog classes and seeing each member working with their new puppy. Lessons like that are a gift!!!

Maybe it's what the "world" could use a little more of...... "good manners".........

Friday, February 27, 2009

Mocha's famous photo

My neighbor, Dusty, sent me this copy of one of the photos that she took during Mocha's big "Hollywood" day!!! She has no idea if her client will use it, but I am happy to show it off. I like the way Duke is looking threw, probably thinking, "hey, what's wrong with taking my picture". If Mocha really does become famous, we'll be sure to let you know... in the meantime, she is happy to sign copies on request......

Thursday, February 26, 2009

the "assuming" Camille

Camille has decided that she is the new "truck dog".... it's funny how she has suddenly stepped up to fill Moxie's paws!!! For a few weeks, she totally went thru a mourning process of her own, but the last few days, she has changed somehow. It's hard to describe.

When I say to the dog's "it's time for kennels".. they all run to their crates, and Camille now runs to the door and not her crate. She assumes that she will be going with me. I suppose it only makes sense, since she and Moxie were my "class dogs", but Camille knew that Moxie was the "truck dog" as well, and never questioned that. but something has changed now for sure. I take all the dogs in the truck when I can, but Hunter and Trevor don't like to "sit" in the truck for long periods of time, and Tazzy and Cole, don't seem to care one way or another if they go or not. So, sometimes I pack everyone up and other times, I look to take just one.... guess it's going to be Camille.....

She also "assumes" other things... like, Ed wants her in his lap.... here are the two of them...
Ed after a day of moving snow, and Camille after attending three nights of dog classes.....
it's funny to see how things are changing. "the pack" seems to have settled in and re-arranged, I didn't think Camille would take the top spot, but the others have voted her in... I guess. She seems OK with the idea... life with dogs is certainly a learning experience...

still moving...

we're still moving here... both in the snow department and in the building department... I guess that is what is important...keep moving. Ed brought the tractor out again today, just to push the snow back, and after hearing tonite's weather report.... MORE snow for Sunday with a "possible repeat from last weekend"... we have just decided to get ready. Get the snow pushed back as far as possible, and NOT take the generator back to the farm just yet!!!! maybe we'll luck out and get rain.. but after last weekend, I'm not counting on anything!!! I just am so glad that we have the equipment to move snow!! it sure has had a workout.....

So, what's happening with the house. First off, I can't say enough good things about Ken, Eric, Buzz and Steve... they have hardly missed a day of work. And when they arrived on Monday, and saw all the snow... they just shoveled their stuff out and got right to work once again!!! They are amazing... the good news, is, there will be no more snow in Ed's workshop as the roof is on it now.

They still need to "tie in" the mudroom part of the roof, but everything is in place now. Once the trim work is finished up, they can begin the shingles... and that will make such a difference.

It's a wonderful HUGE space, I keep thinking it would make a fine training area!!!! Ed offered it to me several times, and I kept saying NO.. that I didn't think I would want to offer dog training classes on the farm... but after seeing this space, I am having second thoughts!!!! Course, now he tells me "too late".. you had your chance, it's "my workshop now".... but, we'll see, could be he won't need all this room and I could have a little corner if I wanted!!!! The downstairs is just as big, so, I could move a few cars out, and use that space if I really wanted to....I guess time will tell, who knows what it will really be like until we actually are living here....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm BACK!!!!!

Hello friends.... finally, a blog!!!! I have a "thousand" names for this blog... "dumped on" "stupid cable company" "withdrawal symptoms" "missing my computer" "where is civilization" "where have I been????" Well, the story goes like this... more snow!!! We were "told".. mostly rain, switching over to snow, 5 or so inches expected..OK.. wet heavy snow to deal with.. what's new?? Sunday afternoon, we went and got a load of shavings, and sure enough, it began to rain. We hurried and got everything undercover. But the rain didn't last very long, and by supper time, it had turned to big heavy snow flakes mixed with sleet.

As we brought the "boys" in for the night, the sleet was giving way to snow. Looks like the "rain" stuff was going to stay on the "coast"...

The boys seemed anxious to get it... they always are when it's feeding time, but I did get the sense that they were happy to get into their stalls... did they know something was up.

Around 10:00 pm it was snowing with gusto and out went the lights.. I'm getting used to that now. Since we were heading to bed anyways and the woodstove had the house nice and warm, it didn't matter. It must have been about 4:00 am (Monday) when the power came back... good!!! I can have my coffee. The power stayed on just long enough for that... coffee, start of some laundry and out it went again.

Believe it or not power (for the moment) was the least of our concern.!!! We got dumped on!!! There was at least 16-18 inches of new snow. And since just the bottom layer of it had been wet, the top was nice and light which made some "amazing" snow drifts!!!! There had to be at least four feet in front of the barn!!!! No horses were going out until we got that cleaned up!!!!

These pictures really don't do it "justice".. everything was buried!!! Including the fence itself!!!and mind you, this is just the barn.. Ed still had the camp to clear out, and the road that brings us in... he was hours plowing, hauling, moving, lifting snow!!!!

Every time I hear that wonderful tractor fire up, I feel so blessed that we have it!!! I don't think we could move all this snow just with the plow... on the farm, it really needs to be moved.. not just pushed out of the way. On top of all of this, Ed really was not feeling that well, I think he had a touch of "the bug" that is flying around. Still, he managed to move a lot of snow!!!

Turning the horses out (finally) was quite interesting, Ed had made some paths for them with the tractor, but wasn't able to clean the fence lines entirely. (On top of not feel well, the tractor was doing it's best, but it had a hard time) The big boys were fine, even though the snow was belly high on them... but Mocha... she looked at the snow and I could honestly hear her say "You have got to be kidding"... she tried eating some of the snow, but if she thought she would just eat her way thru it... she must have decided differently!!! I don't know if it's funny or sad when the snow is higher than your horse!!!!!

After spending the better part of the day moving snow, we went back to the camp for a little breather and some lunch.. and then remembered that we were without power. We sat and chatted for a bit (the sun was out so the camp was bright and warm) and I did call the power company to see if there was an estimated time of when we would have lights again. I got a recording that listed almost 30 towns without power... we decided it might be best to bring the generator back. So, down to the farm, dig the generator out of the "electric shed"... haul it to the camp, and had it up and running before dark. We made a good choice, because the power did not come on until 10:00... but with the generator running, we were able to cook supper and at least watch a dvd on the TV.

We then noticed that even though we had power, there was no cable... which means no TV... no computer and even phone!!! Oh well, it was time for bed and we would "worry" about that the next day.

Tuesday morning we woke to the same, no cable. I called the cable company, and they assured us it "would be on sometime today"....OK.. I was a little anxious for "my computer"... but, one more day...not too bad. Well, the day went on and on...still nothing, I don't like the idea of no phone..the cells were working OK, but sometimes it depends on "where you are standing" as to whether they really work or not. AND of course, no blogging.......

This morning, I called the cable company again... I tried to stay calm, but I had decided I wasn't going to let "sometime today" be the answer. The gal I talked to began to say it, and I cut her off... "look I have heard that for the past two days...please tell me what is really going on here!!!!" I figured she must have dealt with a "thousand" angry folks and it's not her fault, so I didn't want to go there, but I did want a straight answer.She finally told me that, because we are so close to the New Hampshire boarder... our cable power is supplied by them... and they had a problem that wasn't going well... thus, we were without our cable... OK... now that is an answer I can accept... (she should have just said that before!!!) but, the bottom line was.. she had no idea when we could expect our cable back and we simply had to be patient.

I put my "extra time" to good use... and got all the cockers groomed.... as I was trimming up Hunter (the last dog on the table) the phone rang... it actually scared me!!!! (I near cut Hunter!!!).. so I quickly answered it ... a dog student... and couldn't wait to get off the phone and onto the computer!!!! So, that's it in a nut shell.... no blog to read, because no computer to use!!!!! I could hardly wait to get in tonight from dog class, so I could blog and bring you all up to date.

If anyone needs any snow, we are giving it away for free!!!! just let me know..............

Sunday, February 22, 2009

old camera

As I had hoped, I did buy a new camera last night. After breifly looking threw the "owner's manual" I wonder if I will ever be able to figure it all out... but, I remember thinking that way with my other camera. This morning when I did barn chores, I stopped to shoot some pics of the house, and after these, the old camera will be tucked into it's little bag and put away. It took some mighty fine photos for me, but it's tired and has done it's job......

As you can see, the guys got the ridge post in place and a few rafters up in the "woodshop" before heading home Friday night. Snow is expected again this afternoon, so, I am doubtful the guys will be back tomorrow to finish. But, it's a good start and I think we will have a roof by the end of the week.

We now have an overall view of the whole house. It is bigger than the house we moved from, but in square footage, not as big as it appears. I like the lay out, with the downstairs being mostly open. It will be a great house to entertain in, and I look forward to all sorts of different parties, and over night guests!!!!

It will be nice to make this shot and see "green" in the picture, instead of all this "white"....

and one of the barn.....just for fun...

now, off to "learn" about this new one... wish me luck.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

sign in .....

In case you might not have noticed... there is a new icon on the front page of the blog... called "followers"... anyone who reads the blog is welcomed to "join up" as a follower... just click on the button and then click on "follow"... I believe you can post your name, and a photo too, if you like. I have a feeling that there are "way more blog readers" than I am aware of.... and it would be nice to see "how" many there are...

so, please.... sign in......


As the weeks begin to pass since Moxie has "gone on her way"... I have been overwhelmed with the kindness that has been shared with Ed and I. We received over 50 emails and blog comments of encouraging words and thoughts. Two deliveries of flowers, many cards, Kim came up with one of her wonderful coffee cakes, ... and now, word of donations made in Moxie's memory are coming in. Deb sent a donation to Maine Cocker Rescue, Kathleen sent a donation to Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Betty sent a donation to Central New England Equine Rescue, all of which are "things" that are near and dear to my heart. There may be more, but those are the ones that I know about at the moment. It's hard to put into words how grateful I am for all of this!!! and thank you to each one of you who has reached out to us, (hardly seems like much of anything, but please know that I am so very thankful.)
Moxie's ashes were returned to us yesterday, and though it was difficult to go and get them, I do have a strange peace that she is "back with us again". I still cry everyday, and will be happy when I can think of her and smile, but I am just not there yet. I fear this will be a long road before I am at that point, but those people around me seem to understand.
In the meantime, I am so appreciative of all that I have been blessed with, especially with all of you... thank you again for all your kindness......

Thursday, February 19, 2009

not as bad

The snow storm that came last night, didn't turn out to be as much as they had predicted. We actually got more rain than they thought, and ended up with about five inches of very, heavy snow. Our morning was quiet, but productive for me... getting a number of "house chores" done, so when I play this weekend, I won't feel guilty about the things that I didn't get to.

I found Camille and Dancer cuddled in my chair. Camille has had a long week, and there is no doubt in my mind that she is missing Moxie as much as I am. She now has to "do" all the dog classes herself, not that she hasn't been doing them since I "retired" Moxie from the floor, but Moxie still came to classes, and waited in the crate while Camille and I worked. Then, when Camille needed a break she would go into the crate with Moxie and rest, and there I believe she really misses her pal.

She seems to have this somber look about her these days. She just needs time, we will heal together I am sure.

Even though I am getting tired of "winter".. you have to admit, there is a beauty to it, and we should appreciate that.

It was perfect snowman snow for sure, as a child I would have made a dozen snowmen on a day like this!!!

It would be nice if this were the last snow that found it's way into Ed's work shop!!! The guys just didn't have enough time to get the roof on before this snow. We're not out of the woods yet, maybe more snow on Sunday... and we still have the month of March to deal with. (which can be some of the biggest snowfalls!!!)

Thought I would get this picture of my "front door and steps"... I seriously hope it won't be like this NEXT winter!!!

Annabelle was in rare form today... she found stall mucking a most interesting task... and also found that she could give me a "whacK' as I passed by with the shovel... what a funny girl she is turning out to be....

I have decided that I am going to buy a new camera hopefully, this weekend. My little camera is getting tired, and the white mark on my photos is a result of a badly scratched lens. We bought this camera about five years ago, and a lot has changed in the digital world since then. As Ed said, with all the blog photos I do and just photos in general, it is time to up grade... so, guess that will be the project of the weekend. I also have been in contact with my trainer, and Tonka and I will be back on schedule beginning March 5th.... oh to ride again... that is a sure sign that spring is close...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

it's on the horizon.....

Here comes another ... I knew that winter wasn't done yet, Mr. Groundhog was right!!! We're suppose to have a storm coming in tonite with a possible 6-10 inches of snow... unless it takes "another track" and brings rain... I'm for rain, even if it does mean a muddy barn yard. Course the good thing is, these storms usually blow thru quick and the snow is usually gone (or at least down) within a week... not like the storms that come in November!!! The grey sky, the wind picking up and the drop in temperature pretty much says it all. Chances are the guys won't be up to work on the house, and I am pretty much planning on a "in house" day.....

On a "brighter" note... the plumbers came today and began to "rough in" the plumbing... they were working on the upstairs bathrooms.

Now, maybe it's easier to see why you need that "false floor" in these timber frame homes. This is the first of "inside" work that has begun....

Just thought the bathtub looked funny sitting in the bedroom.....
here's an "inside shot" of Ed's wood working shop... no roof yet, but the blue sky made a pretty background ..for now.

And this is Eric and Steve, cutting rafters for the roof. Looks like that will be next week's project as the weather will put them behind for this week...
oh well, it's all progress, even when it seems slow...

last of the "walls"....

This week it's been all about Ed's garage... as you may know, it's a four car garage, with ceilings high enough to bring trucks inside. Ed has a couple of antique trucks (from the 1918's &1920's) and he wants to be able to "putter" on them, and who knows what else might come along. Needless to say, he's been pretty excited watching "his space" come to be.

Yesterday was an "on the road" day for me, so I missed much of the going's on... but I was able to get a few shots before I left, and when I returned....

Ken and crew had the gable walls all made, and just needed to stand them in place. With five guys ... "the crew" and Ed, they felt they could do this fairly easily. Do I need to even say how heavy those walls are????

Ed's wood working shop will be on the second floor of the garage. This picture was taken from the "shop" looking back into the house. The space you see is over the mudroom, and due to the design, it actually turned out to be another room in the house. If we wanted to, we could have put a couple of skylights in the roof and made an "office type" room, but since we have plenty of space... we have decided to use this space as two walk in closets for the bedrooms. Ed also decided to put a door here and that way he can enter his wood shop from the second floor of the house.

The front wall was just going into place when I got back this afternoon. I was so happy to see the "pine bow"!!! We have always followed this tradition when building a new building, and I would have felt sad if they had forgotten.... but Ed remembered!!! I guess the front wall gave them some trouble going into place... the back wall went up fine, but they struggled with the front.... I am told that the guys said "it's Sue's pine branch that made this wall so heavy!!" (really?? couldn't be the fact that they had worked all morning with the other wall, or the fact that they all had lunch and a nice little break...noooo.... it was "my pine branch" that caused the problem!!!!)

I hope Ed didn't think he could catch this thing if it had decided to go over the edge!!!!

Here it is... the last outside wall that needed to go into place!!!!

In other news, I finished the sampler that I have been working on (and off) over the past year. It's one of four in the series, and yes I do intend to do all four.. this one is "Summer"... it will be my "show piece" for the Acton Fair this year, and I know just where it will hang in the new mudroom....
I haven't had as much time for cross stitch (quilting, knitting) as I would like... but, that's ok... I just putter on my projects when I can, and eventually, they do get done....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a blog about dogs....

This is how Trevor took his morning nap yesterday... silly dog.. hard to tell which end is up... but since cockers don't have tails, and have long, long ears... if you look hard enough, you can probably figure it out!!! silly boy!!!!

What in the world are those things?????

Why graduation hats of course!!! It's hard to believe that another six week session of puppy classes has come to an end. And last night was "graduation night".....

I haven't been making the hats, so the past few classes did not get them. However, I quickly learned that the hats are a "big item" and students look forward to receiving them... guess I am "known for my hats"... so, this time, I made a big batch of them and now have plenty on hand...good thing, since there are five more graduations coming up here soon.

Among the graduating students, was my "grand-dog" Banjo... Charlie (my other grand-dog) is also a, he came last night to support his "little" brother...

cute family photo....

And.. another graduate, from the Advance class.. was none other than Kelli and Rick's boxer pup... Gus!!!!
So, another group of dog heads into the world from puppy classes, and a new group will come in soon. Many of the puppies will be in the Advance class, so I don't have to say "good bye" to them just yet. Let's see.... six weeks... puts us into April... not to rush the time, but that sounds so very nice........

Monday, February 16, 2009

musings of the day...

I sadly do not have pictures to go with the blog... as I wasn't there when it happened.But even if I were there, I doubt I would have had the time for pictures.. and the story goes like this...

Last Thursday, I was in Kennebunk working with several private students, leaving Ed to "tend to the farm". He had been puttering around the house, and then walked up to the barn around noontime to give out lunch and check on "everyone". As he approached the barn he noticed that Mocha was in with Silver and Tonka... another break out!!! We have worked so hard to keep her in "her place"... but, this was more than a break out with Mocha... it was a FENCE down!!!! Tonka and Silver were still "inside" but Duke was out!!!!

Thinking quickly as "what to do" and knowing "what not to do" (ie: chase a horse that is loose).. Ed went into the barn, grabbed a handful of hay and went out to call Duke in. Now, the good thing is, Duke does come when called, and he NEVER passes by any food, so hearing his name and seeing the hay in Ed's hand... he came a running. To quote my Ed... "seeing 1800lbs of horse coming at you , is a little like standing in front of a train!!!" Ed ducked into the barn, threw open the first stall door and stood there, calling. Our gator was parked in the barn alley way, so it was a bit of a tight squeeze for Duke, and at first he stood outside the barn debating as to whether he would go in or not. Ed just waved the hay and then threw it into the stall, and in Duke went.... whew!!!!

Now, Ed had the fence to deal with. He went and shut it down, only to realize that the horses could still "get out" because all the outside stall doors were open. Course Duke had to see what he was up to, and came out. ONLY... to get tangled in the down fence!!! He began to panic a little, but Ed told him "Whoa and stand".. which he did... (so grateful for a horse that will follow voice commands and has had enough driving experience to know not to get upset with things around his legs!!!!!) Ed said that when Duke stood, the fence loosened around his legs and he just stepped out of it.... another whew!!!!

This time, Ed put hay in all the stalls, brought everyone in, locked the doors... and headed out for the fence again. I guess it was quite a mess.. and it took him nearly an hour to get it up and running again. We have no idea what they were doing to bring it down like that.... probably "horsing around!!!"

It was funny, because when I got to the farm, the first thing I noticed was all the hoof prints in the barn yard. I knew that I hadn't had the horses out to make those prints, and Ed can bring them out, but it isn't something that he usually does... so I commented on it, and then got the story!!!!

My Ed doesn't give himself enough credit when it comes to the horses. They have been mostly "my hobby", but he has a natural way about him that they like and he handles them well. Course, being on the farm now, he has the opportunity to be with them everyday, and that's makes it all the better. It was quick thinking on his part to get food, and not go with the impulse of "run and catch it!!!" So,job well done, honey.. and like it or not... you are a "horseman!!!"

Then the other story I have to share with (sadly) no Saturday is was extremely windy here. You can only imagine that when the wind whistles across that open lake, it really can get a good head of steam!!! Well, we were having our coffee and I could hear a rumbling noise. I looked at Ed and asked "do you hear that...what is it?''' At first I thought that maybe something was wrong with the furnace... just as we were looking about, we saw an ice fishing shack go sailing past the house!!! The wind had caught it just right, and being on "skies", it just skated past the camp... going at a really good clip!!!! I wished I had caught it on my camera!!! Fortunately, there was no one inside, because I doubt you could have even jumped from it, it was going so fast!!! It ended up at the end of the lake, and broke one of it's "skies", because it sat there lop-sided. Yesterday afternoon, I saw some folks go by on a snow mobile... looking for their "lost shack"... and a bit later I saw them, pulling it back up the lake. It must have been surprising for them to arrive and see their shack gone!!!! It has been an "interesting" winter here on the lake... you just never know what you might see.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


This sweet old boy is Amos... he has been a guest for the past week, and heads for home tomorrow. What a darling he is, nearly 10 years old.

But, what is even better than that, is Amos and I have a long history together... I first met him when he was 12 weeks old. I had a wonderful lady call me.... "I understand that you train dogs, and that you make house calls.... I have two golden puppies that I would like you to work with".

Well, as it turned out... I went to the house three times a week to work with Amos and his brother, Andy. Their owner became a good friend (as clients often do!!!) and I stayed on, working with the goldens until they were about 16 months old. They both got their CGC's and I began agility work with them. but, there came the day when they were beautifully trained, and my service wasn't needed any more.

For years, their owner and I kept in contact with occasional phone calls and notes at Christmas time. Then "life" took over (teenagers in my case) and we lost touch.

Last June, my friend called... "I understand that you are still training!!! How are you?? I have two new puppies, would you come and work with them??" Course one of my first questions was... do you still have Andy and Amos... and it turned out that she did.

So, I went out to her farm and began working with the puppies, but I have to say the greeting I got from Andy and Amos was overwhelming.... there is no doubt that they remembered me from all those years ago.

My second week back to work the new puppies was bittersweet... Andy had passed away due to cancer. I felt so very sad, and yet so very grateful that I had been able to see him that one last time before he "left"... Amos was thrilled to see me again, and I couldn't resist doing just a little obedience with him.... he seemed so happy to "work" for me again.

My friend called me a month ago and asked if I could dog sit while they took a little vacation. I was so happy to have them... the two new puppies, and dear sweet Amos!!! all to myself. He has been a wonderful house guest, and the first to be invited to sleep in our bedroom at night!!!

It's very rare that I get to see my "puppy students" in their later years. It always surprises me when a client calls with a new puppy and says, "you trained my other dog.... 10, 12, 15 years ago"... because in my mind they are still the little puppies that were in class... I know they have grown up and aged.. but I am sort of like your first grade teacher.. who will always think of you as a child instead of a grown up.... So, to have Amos here has been a real joy.. and who can pass that dear face!!!!