Friday, August 28, 2009

"Fair" results....

well my fair results, certainly are more that fair... they were wonderful!!!! Perhaps you remember that last fall, I had made a quilt block for the "Fair Quilt"... each year, they come up with a theme and you receive a patch of material. With the theme in mind, and using the "patch" you need to come up with a quilt square. It has to be submitted by a certain date, and then it is sewn into the quilt. Each block is judged, and all that enter a square has their name placed in a drawing for the quilt. I have yet to "win" a quilt, but it's fun to find your block and see what you were "awarded".

This year my block placed fourth!!! I already have my patch for next year's quilt and think that I have a design in mind.

My photo of "Mr. G aka Biker chick" placed first in the animal division.....

and my cross stitch piece (the one with Moxie's name in it) placed first and yes.... it also was awarded "Judge's Choice".. I am very honored by that!!!!

Other fair results... Sadie entered a pair of knitted booties ... the first ones she has ever made, and she got a blue ribbon for them, and then took a third on a little hat that she also made. My friend, Kelli, got a blue ribbon on her photo of a light house and took first in the landscape division, and son-in-law Nate, got a fourth on his landscape photo taken in Iraq.....

so, all kinds of ribbons awarded in the family... now we are all thinking about next year's entries....


Rick Barnaby said...

Realy nice! Everyone did a great job, congrats Sue, I know this one was realy special...

Alex said...

I'll look out for your beautiful items tomorrow!

blogdog said...

Well done, everybody! I saw "Biker Chick" and just cracked up. Congrats on all the ribbons, but especially the one for the quilt block. Curves are such a bear to do properly (said the masochist whose first-ever quilt was a Dresden Plate).

Did you see Spinners' Warren at the fair? They're right in Acton and they offer spinning classes!