Friday, September 14, 2018

wrapping up summer (9/8/18)

It occurred to me this morning, that yesterday 9/7 was Livy's fifth birthday. I knew it was coming right up, but didn't quite realize the date. So, in honor of my little brown dog.. who I so dearly love... needed to just say "happy birthday". I can't believe she is really five... I somehow think she has just always been here, and then I think there is just no way that we have already been together five years. Time has that way of zipping by us, and each day is such a gift, though I don't always think that way. But things like this are excellent markers and reminders....... 

Here's hoping we have at least 10 more years together little girl!!!!
Finally, we have had some normal weather. The past week was a true heat wave, and though I should enjoy each day as it comes, I am not sorry to have some cooler weather. Though it would come on a day when we have a big chore to do... but, that's later in the story. 

Right now, this is what we woke to this morning... my only guess is that Henry must have been cold in the night and found a warm place to cuddle. And maybe Livy was glad for the "warm blanket" on top.......
I stopped a minute during morning chores to catch this photo of Rio. Poor chap, he has molted and all the tail feathers for this year have gone. Perhaps he's happy not to carry all that weight on the hind end, but he does look kind of "sad" as a normal bird. 

No fears though, he'll grow out a nice new tail for next spring, and I have great plans for all the feathers he left me this year... 

We haven't gotten to making his larger pen yet... it's on "the list" of things to do, and I really want to have it done at least by the spring. So, maybe the bigger pen will move to the top of the fall list.....
But, today is all about getting "camp" put away for the winter days ahead. Mainly the docks. We had them installed last spring, which was good, because they went in while the water was still kind of cold... but, I won't say it's 'cheap" doing it that way. So, I said to the family, that perhaps we could get a crew to pull them in the fall,and save a bit in that department. 
So, Micha and Dayna called in the siblings and we had a great crew of young guys happy to help us out. As I said, the heat has broken, but the boys said the lake water wasn't too cold... yet. It feels kind of sad and early to pull docks, but the weekends in September are already filling in, and it seems that October would be the next time we could get this crew... well, no one wants to go into the water in October, so here we are.
The little guys happily played in their sand box and watched all that went on. The boat was pulled first.. then all the other "toys" were tucked away, and then the docks came out. I was really surprised at how quickly it all happened and now that it's done, I do have to say I feel better that is project is off the list. 
I will say, it was just an OK much went on, both good and bad, and the weather was beastly hot... I am looking ahead to the fall with a brighter attitude. 
We all had a nice supper together, and with the kiddos back at school, and talk about fairs, and trips, and teaching dog classes again.. it feels like the season has switched....

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