Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy birthday two Moms.....

As some of you may know (from reading blogs of the past) yesterday was my birthday and tomorrow is Deb's (Nate's Mom)... so for the past few years, Deb and I have had the great fun of celebrating together with our kids!!!! We feel so blessed to have such amazing "in-laws" (which is a term we don't chose to use .. their simply family)...

When I was done teaching dog classes, I went into Kas and Nate's house and found everyone there with a cake and presents!!! It was great fun.... we had a nice visit and some sweets and it was a nice way to close the day....

Happy Birthday to you Deb!!!!!

"birthday? have I had one of them yet? will I get cake too?"

It was another grey and rainy day, but it's just the sort of weather that makes the ice thin. You can't tell in photos, but there are big cracks and holes appearing all the time....Ed predicts that within two weeks the ice will be gone...
we'll see how close he comes......

Sunday, March 29, 2009

good words for a birthday...

"I believe"...

A birth certificate shows that we were born. A death certificate shows that we died. Pictures show that we lived!!!

I believe that just because two people argue, doesn't mean that they don't love each other, And just because they don't argue, doesn't mean that they do love each other.

I believe that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change

I believe that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in awhile, and you must forgive them for that

I believe that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.

I believe that you can do something in an instant that will give you a heartache for life.

I believe that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

I believe that you should always leave loved ones with loving words ... it may be the last time you see them.

I believe that you can keep going long after you think you can't

I believe that we are responsible for what we do, no matter what we feel.

I believe that you either control you attitude or it controls you

I believe that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences

I believe that money is a lousy way of keeping score

I believe that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and still have the best time

I believe that sometime the people you expect to kick you when you're down, will be the ones that will pick you back up

I believe that sometimes when I am angry, I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel

I believe that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you have had, and what you have learned from them... and less to do with how many birthdays you have celebrated

I believe that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.. sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I believe that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief

I believe that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become

I believe that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret, it could change your life forever.

I believe that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different

I believe that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you

I believe that even if you think you have no more to give, if a friend cries out to you...you will find the strength to help

I believe that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being

I believe that the people you care about most in your life are taken from you too soon.

And I believe that the happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything......

rainy sunday..

Today is a grey, rainy day... good day to catch up on things and "get done" the stuff that seems to always be waiting....

But, it wasn't raining last night... it was just plain cold (well, cold in a sense.. certainly not "January cold"..but "March cold). Either way, we bundled up with the rest of the family (after supper) and went out for .... ice cream!!!!

"Memories" has opened again for the season. You would think that on a cold March night, not too many people would be ready for ice cream.. but you would be wrong. There were a number of people there... like us, all bundled up, and sitting out on the porch enjoying their first taste of summer!!! The ice cream was very good, but I have to say.. I think I will enjoy it more in July!!!!!

And thought I would share this photo of the "living" room" with all it's doors and windows in place. I gave my dear friend Betty, the "grand tour" yesterday... and just wished I could have offered her a cup of coffee!! Oh well, one day soon....

"Poor Titus"... he is SO long overdo for a good tank cleaning. I try to completely do the tank every three months or so... but, it's been longer than that. So, today, after we got out of church and had some lunch, I decided that it was time to tear down his tank and just get it clean.

I am a little surprised at how many people make a comment on him when they come to visit. Course, not too many homes have a 150 gallon fish tank with a turtle the size of a dinner plate .. but, people seem to really like him. And when his tank is a mess, I feel a little embarrassed that I haven't "taken better care of him". Still, tearing down the tank is a whole afternoon job, so, I almost have to make a date to do it...

Course, it means that Titus is without a "home" for the time that I am cleaning. Today, I found this old cooking pot to put him in ...

I'm not so sure that he was impressed with his new house, especially since he kept trying to climb out... hope he didn't think that he was about to become "Turtle soup".. (which I understand is a real thing!!!)

He's back home now, the water is beginning to settle down and he seems pretty happy to have a nice clean house to be in....

Friday, March 27, 2009

strength in the sun

This afternoon as I was puttering around the farm.. I noticed that the deer path...

and the woods, still have knee deep snow. Protected by the trees, the sun hasn't quite made it's way to the earth there.....

However, the pasture and field, are wide open!!!

And this is one happy horse, enjoying the warmth of the spring sun.... he was clean yesterday!!!!!

thinking of Moxie

Today is (would have been) Moxie's 12th birthday, and even though the pain of her passing is still very hurtful, I guess I am getting "used" to the idea of not having her around. I doubt that anyone who has truly loved anything gets "over" them when the time comes... I think that you just get "used" to it.

I have come to a big decision and am using today -- Moxie's birthday --- to let you all in on it. You might have noticed that there is a second blog listed now.. called "Moxie's gift". I have created this second blog because I am applying to become a puppy raiser for an organization called "NEADS". I contacted the Maine rep a few days ago, and she is sending me the paperwork. I have had the pleasure of meeting several puppy raisers in my obedience classes.... Kathleen, Mary and Scott, Katie... to name a few, and I have always thought that "one day" in my life, I would like to try it. The timing seems good right now to give this project a try and if I am accepted, then on the blog "Moxie's gift".. I will keep a journal on the experience of raising a service puppy. I am doing this in honor of Moxie, because if I can help someone else have a dog that is so much a part of their lives, as Moxie was in mine... it would be a very good thing.

I picked NEADS to work with (again if I am accepted)... because they train several types of service dogs... I encourage you all to check out their website. One of their "services" (if you will).. are dogs that go to veterans... and that is very near and dear to my heart. My dog club has made financial donations for the veterans dogs, as well as offer all obedience classes to all puppy raisers at half price. So, I have been around this idea for a long time

The question of "are you getting a puppy" might be yes within a short amount of time.. but "this" puppy will only be mine for about a year, and who knows, it might be the first of many.........

"Happy Birthday Moxie".......

" I Stood by Your Bed Last Night"

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep. I could see that you were crying. You found it hard to sleep

I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear, "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here"

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea. You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me

I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore. I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care. I want to reassure you, that I'm not lying there.

I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for you key. I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said "it's me"

You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair. I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.

It's possible for me to be so near you everyday. To say to you with certainly, "I never went away"

You sat there very quietly, then smiled. I think you knew, in the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.

The day is over.. I smile and watch you yawning and say "good night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning"

And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side

I have so many things to show, there is so much for you to see. Be patient, live your journey out..... then come home to be with me.....

(course with me... there will be several little cockers rushing to meet up with me!!!!!)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

the "tundra"

All winter long, I have referred to "our" frozen lake as the great white tundra!!! Ed said that typically the ice is "out of the lake" by April 15th. So, I thought it might be fun to take pictures over the next couple of weeks, and watch it's progress. Already it is a bit punky in some places, and along the shore, there is open water. (which is why the doggies are being kept at bay)... the fishing shacks are gone now, but there are a few folks that still venture out to do some ice fishing (personally, you won't find me walking out there) At night the lake makes these "amazing" groaning sounds, and you can hear the water running under the ice, before long the snaps and crackles will begin, a sure sign of breaking up. so, let's just "watch it" together.....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

lots of sunshine!!!

We have FINALLY been enjoying some mild temperatures!!! the sun feels so good, and the snow banks are getting small... ya, spring!!! A month from now, we should have the lake back instead of that great white tundra, and that has made some concerns for me.

The cockers have pretty much run loose all winter, except for the occasional "busy weekend" of ice fishermen and snow mobilers, they have owned the road. Hunter did "take off" every now and again, but the trolley line we put up for him curbed that. I would let him loose until he "goofed" and it would be back on the run for awhile, he seemed to get the message. But then we ran into mr. porcupine, and now with the lake getting soft, I have this fear of letting the dogs loose. So, we went and picked up a dog kennel from the old house and have temporally set it up. The cockers aren't too happy in losing their free range, but now I don't have to worry, and it won't be long before we will be next door again, and they will be back on the invisible fence. This of course, will mean, that I "owe" them walks since they can't run.. but, I should be out walking with them anyways.

The guys have gotten so much done with the house this week. Even though we had the high winds yesterday.. they managed to finish the shingles on the back side, and today it was "all about windows"... they put the two upstairs bathroom windows and the back bedroom window in. Then they dropped the staging and began on the living room windows and the back door that will (in time) walk out onto the deck. Now, I get excited when I see "holes" being cut in my house!!!!

The afternoon sun came pouring in!!! There is going to be so much sunlight in this house and that really makes me happy. I just love a house that is bright!!!!

It was fun to watch the windows going in... poor Ken and Eric, I was almost "underfoot" watching them work today.

Such a different look to the house now. I have taken this shot before (from the living room looking towards the kitchen area)... but the sunlight makes all the difference.

This is the view we will have from the living room and kitchen... looking out into our back yard!!! We plan on thinning a lot of the trees, because there is a great old stone wall that marks one of our boundaries... there is also a deer run, and we would like to be able to see both. A good portion of the yard will be fenced for the cockers (and other doggie guests)... and who knows, the idea of a doggie day care might come into play as well. I have all sorts of "plans" for this house, but we'll need to get into first!!! and those days are getting closer all the time.......

Ken was talking with Ed and it seems that "Timberpeg" wanted to know if we were willing to have an open house. I guess they like to "show the houses off" unfinished, that way future clients can see their houses at the bare bones... so, we think that we might plan something for the middle of May.... I will keep my faithful blog readers up to date, because if we do have this event... you will certainly be invited..... keep an eye open for details.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

just stuff...

Is that Santa Claus up there on the roof???

No, that would be Ken (I think) doing the flashing around the chimney as they finish up the shingles on the back side of the roof. It was a very windy and cold day, the guys had to watch that the wind didn't carry the shingles away before the could nail them down. I don't know how they work in those conditions, but they always seem to manage. As of this evening, the roof on the main house is all done, and all of the second floor windows are in place!!!! (and the guys are very glad to be done with that part of the roof!!!!)

Inside view of the front door.......

Dean came today to trim the horse's feet. I wanted to get some shots of him doing that, but the horses were horrible!!! (in my standard...) usually our guys stand as still as statues.. but today, they couldn't seem to keep still. The wind was blowing pretty well, and their morning routine was messed up a bit, but still that isn't any excuse!!! Even the guinea hens were in such "a state".. that I ended up kicking them outside, because I couldn't stand their noise. Compared to some horses that Dean works with, ours (even being "bad" ) don't measure up .. however, I liked them to be "perfect".. Dean said not to worry, that they weren't that bad, but I will be paying even more attention to standing quietly and giving up "your feet" than usual.. so next time, we won't be playing those sorts of games.

After Dean left, I found a piece of Duke's hoof... and thought it was quite funny that my foot will fit "inside his, with room to spare".... he's one big boy, that's for sure.

And that's why he can't be "fooling around".....

Monday, March 23, 2009

NEADS dog, Posie...

This beautiful service dog is "Posie"... a dog that went thru a number of my obedience classes with her puppy raiser, Kathleen. Posie recently graduated from "NEADS" and has now been matched with a little gal.
If I remember correctly.. Posie is the 12th service dog that Kathleen has raised, and she is currently working with her next "service dog" , a black lab named Harvey.
I am always so amazed at wonderful people like Kathleen, who so willing raises these puppies for 14 (or so) months, and then turns them over for further training and starts again with a new puppy!!! Such a great gift to offer to people who's lives are truly changed because of these great dogs!!! "congratulations... to Kathleen and Posie, for a job very well done!!!" (and I am so very excited to be working with you and Harvey!)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

nothing exciting....

I was at the farm bright and early this morning.. the sun was shining bright... with four boarding dogs, six dogs of our own, horses to care for, etc... there's lots to get done before heading out to church!!!

Ed and I are looking into becoming members of our little church, we have been attending since we moved and have pretty much settled on the fact that we would like to call this little church our "home". We met with the pastor and two other couples after the service today, so we got home later than normal. Made our usual Sunday morning breakfast, though it was lunch time, and just took some time to sit and chill for the moment... seems like we are always on the run these days....

Hunter and Trevor say "cheese" for the camera!!! silly boys.....

Suddenly the sky got very gray and look what came around the lake..... a "wonderful" little snow squall... would someone please tell ol' Man Winter that spring is here and we don't want any more of his foolishness!!!!!

We "puttered" around the camp for a little bit, and then headed down to the farm to do chores and take care of the horses....

Has anyone seen my WHITE horse... he seems to be among the missing!!! guess I know what I'll be doing sometime tomorrow...


Saturday, March 21, 2009


Sunday is "Maine Maple Syrup Sunday"... and even though many people think of Vermont as the maple syrup state, there are many "sugar shacks" all over the states of New Hampshire and Maine as well. There are a number of commercial farms, but I think there are even more "hobby sugar farms"... and such is the case with our good friends, Peg and Chuck. Here is one of their groves of "sugar" maple trees on their farm, (if you look carefully, you can see the "taps and buckets" on the trees) The sap "runs" the best when the days are above freezing and the nights just under freezing... it varies a little each year, but for the most part... it's around the middle part of March that is called "sugar season"..... often times, the sap is collected while there is still snow on the ground, but this year, Chuck and Peg have an "open season" (some parts of New England are still under a blanket of snow)

From the trees to the bucket....

to the "sugar shack"...... I have to wonder who "invented" maple syrup... who was it that saw the maple trees and thought... "if I get the sap from that tree and boil it down... I will have a wonderful treat"... the sap, for those of you who may not know, is mostly water... there might be a glimmer of sweetness to it, but certainly not very much....

the average ratio is 14 quarts of sap, boiled down to make one quart of syrup.... there are variables that work into that equation, but overall... that is what you have to work with. Chuck uses an old woodstove to boil off his sap... the steam is incredible.. and this is certainly something you want to do outdoors.... as Peg said... this much steam in your house will take the wall paper off the walls.....

case in point... you can hardly see Chuck thru the steam!!!!!

Here's a batch almost ready to come off the fire... it has a beautiful golden color and the smell of it is simply wonderful....

From the fire to a strainer for one last "puring" and the syrup is ready to cool and enjoy......

so, if you have ever wondered why does "real maple syrup" cost so much (and I am NOT talking about "mrs. butterworth").. it's because of all the work that goes into it... but, if you have had the "real thing"... I am quite certain that you won't be able to settle for anything less....

Happy Maple Syrup season!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tonka goes to school.... twice

Today, after our riding lesson, Tonka and I stopped by the nursery school where Kassy works. I wanted to pop in and say hello and she thought "her" kids would have fun seeing Tonka.
Most of them were a bit timid when they actually got close to the trailer and saw that big creature inside, but one little gal who "loves horses" couldn't wait to get close enough for a pat.
Tonka would have loved to get out with them, but, it wasn't safe to do that, and besides, I didn't want to scare the kids....
Mocha is actually doing a "real school" visit in a few weeks (like she did last year).... I think they will feel a bit more comfortable with her..

we got..... windows!!!!!!

So..... they cut big holes in my house and then....

go to lunch....

actually, they finished shingling the front side of the roof, and then cut the window openings... by then, it was more than lunchtime!!!!

The crate that holds all the windows and was delivered last fall... is finally opened!!!!

"honey.... there's a man standing outside our window!!!!"

and in goes the first!!!! got to get inside and see what they really look like........

we got.... con't

can't believe how different the house looks with the windows in...

this picture was taken from the kitchen looking into the living room... there are still windows going in here on the back wall (to the left)

our bedroom... which is the right front corner of the house... we have 5 windows in this room... since the sun comes up on this side... there won't be much sleeping in......

this is the other front bedroom... looking across the hallway into our room...

this house will have plenty of light and fresh air...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

animals, animals....

Sometimes, as I am rushing about, trying to "fit everything into that certain time slot"... trying to cope with the "stresses that seem to be thrown at me lately".. I forget just how blessed I am. And today, as I was yet again, rushing about, I looked over and saw Titus.... all stretched out, enjoying "his sun"... taking life as it comes. Now, I know that my dear turtle doesn't have to worry about the light bill (so that his sun light will stay on) or that the water level in his tank stays up, or that he has food coming... he just trusts that "it will be provided for".. and guess what... it is. So, my lesson of the day via my turtle.... "don't' worry about tomorrow, for it will take care of itself.. and the Good Lord knows what I need to get thru today.... "thank you Lord for taking care of today... and "we'll" handle tomorrow when it gets here".....

Last night was graduation night for the Tuesday classes. I am so grateful for my "work".. and I love watching how the dogs and humans progress over the weeks. I had some "different" breeds this go round, everything from a Great Dane to a bulldog!!!and almost everything in between....

Dane to beagle.... "you run, I'll run... why do we have to sit here?"

It was great fun!!!!!

I have a couple of dogs here for boarding, So, after class it was dog walking time and out we went. As they were "sniffing" about the yard, I could hear "an animal" rustling about -down near the lake. I didn't think too much about that, until it sounded like it was getting closer. I would have loved for my two dogs to do a little barking... but the cowards... ran to me instead!!! Then out of the corner of my eye, I could see something climbing up a tree very close by. I ran in and called to Ed, he grabbed a flashlight and turned on the big flood lights...

I ran up on the upper deck of the camp and look what we "caught"... a big ol' porcupine!!! just outside the camp!!! I don't think he was too impressed with all these lights shinning on him, and the flash from my camera... but he sat and looked at us and waited for all the "fuss" to calm down.... course, he presents a "problem" in that I don't dare let the cockers out loose at night... guess we will have to get our pen brought up here and put it up... which we have been talking about doing anyways....

so, we have had a "hootie in the house"... now a "piney in the tree".... what's next.....(or dare I ask)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

this mud........ will eat you!!!

We'll be walking up to the barn for the next few weeks, as mud season has officially arrived... a few days earlier than spring!!! With the four wheel drive trucks, we could thrash our way there, but it's only tearing up the driveway, and really, we don't walk just because we are lazy!!! so, walking it will be... mind you, I am not complaining, these days with 40 degree temps are doing wonders on my spirits and the melting of the snow....

This mud is "serious"... and if you stop even for a moment, there is a pretty good chance that you will lose you boot!!! So, when you make your way across, you don't stop... or we might not find you until the fourth of July!!!

Now, in deciding that we are no longer driving up to the barn, we had to get the horse trailer pulled out. I will need that for Tonka's lessons on Thursdays. Ed decided to park it up near the house, and Tonka and I will have to walk out to it, but that's no big deal.

Ed felt that it would be better to pull the trailer out with the tractor, instead of bringing one of the trucks in. I think he made a good choice, especially when for a few seconds, he almost buried the tractor.... told you, you can't stop for a second!!!

He managed to rock the tractor out and with the trailer still hitched to the tractor, made his way down the drive. After that, he back dragged the whole driveway, so that when it does dry out, it will dry without big ruts in it....

News on the house... the guys are now shingling the main part of the roof..... they are making good progress and this should go easier as there are no angles or ties in to deal with....

after this.... window and doors!!!!!!

Oh... Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!